Videos von Wado Ryu-Praktika, Wado Ryu-Wettbewerben der Gemeinschaft

Wado-Ryu Karate Trainings Moscow 1996

André De Rijck, commercial attaché at the Belgian Embassy in Moscow, lived in Moscow for many years.
André had a perfect command of the Russian language and was thus naturally integrated into the daily life and population of Moscow.
He founded the Wado-ryu Karate Club of Moscow, with more than 50 members and trained many Russian black belts in Wado-Ryu.
André also translated Master Kamigaito’s Karate manuals, Kihon, volume 2 and Pin-An katas, volume 3 into Russian.
He was remarried to Nadezhda with whom he had a daughter.
He died prematurely on May 1, 2021….

Wado-Ryu Karate Training Moscow 1996
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Moscow 1996
Click on the image to see the video on YouTube…

Wado-Ryu Shiai and Katas competition at Leuven

Wado-Ryu Shiai and Katas competition at Leuven in the years 75 with Kamigaito Yoshikazu Sensei. Also demonstration of Kata Kushanku by members of the Samoerai Karate Club Leuven ( teacher Luc Galmart, members Jean-Pierre Vansina and Xavier Wispenninckx Also demonstration of Sanchin Kata by Kamigaito Yoshikazu Sensei. One of the corner referee was Mister Raymond DAGRAIN responsible of the section Karaté at the FTAM ( Fédération Travailliste des Arts Martiaux ). Kamigaito Sensei teached a lot of time in different clubs of the FTAM in Wallonie.

Wado Ryu Shiai and Kata Wettbewerben
Wado-Ryu Shiai and Katas competition at Leuven in the years 75

Wado-Ryu Shiai at Leuven in the years 75 with Kamigaito Yoshikazu Sensei

Wado-Ryu Shiai at Leuven in the years 75 with Kamigaito Yoshikazu Sensei. One of the corner referee was Mister Raymond DAGRAIN responsible of the section Karaté at the FTAM ( Fédération Travailliste des Arts Martiaux ). Kamigaito Sensei teached a lot of time in different clubs of the FTAM in Wallonie.

Karate Wado Ryu championship of the hopes
Karate Wado Ryu championship of the hopes

Wado-Ryu Shiai and Katas competition at Visé in the year 1989

Wado-Ryu Shiai and Katas competition at Visé in the year 1989 with Kamigaito Yoshikazu Sensei. This was organized by the ASBL Wado Kamigaito Belgium VZW and named “ championship of the Hopes”. This kind of competition was organized each year between round 75-95.
The 1989 competition was very special because it was with an invited Japanese team coached by Hada Sensei and Yanagawa Sensei.

Karate Championship of the hopes wado Ryu
Karate Championship of the hopes wado Ryu
Karate Championship of the hopes wado Ryu
Karate Championship of the hopes wado Ryu
Karate Championship of the hopes wado Ryu
Karate Championship of the hopes wado Ryu

Wado-Ryu Karate Training Budapest 1994

Special circumstances of this training:
Back to the roots…

see the text on Youtube attached to this video

In july 1994, with my wife and my mother, I went in Hungary to find back the roots of my mother Kató…..

Wado-Ryu Karate Training Budapest 1994
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Budapest 1994
Click on the image to see the video on YouTube…
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Budapest 1994
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Budapest 1994
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Budapest 1994
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Budapest 1994

Wado-Ryu Karate Training LEUVEN 09-06-2018

These training sessions attempt to perpetuate the teaching of Wado-Ryu karate as introduced to us by Yoshikazu Kamigaito Sensei between 1970 and 1990.

For the training on 09-06-2018, we asked five former students of Yoshikazu Kamigaito Sensei to show us the points they felt were important in their practice of Wado-Ryu karate.

This is, of course, only a snapshot in time, and the videos below will be a good reminder for those taking part.

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-One

First part given by
Xavier Wispenninckx, 5th Dan

Pinan Nidan
First movements of kihon no kata kette kihon no kata
First movements of the five Pinan’s

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-One
Video: Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-One

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Two

Second part given by
Pieter Vandenhout, 5th Dan

Different Yaku Soku Kumite
Impact of Omote or Ura defence position

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Two
Video: Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Two

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Three

Third part given by
Ngu Phuc Hoang, 5th Dan

Aspects of Kihon with

  • body weights – light and heavy
  • use of hips
    Application in Pinan Nidan
    Application in Kumite
Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Three
Video: Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Three

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Four

Fourth part given by
Peter Keijers, 5th Dan

Relations between the nine Kata’s of Hironori Ohtsuka Meijin
Practise of Naihanchi
Practise of Seishan
Practise of Chinto

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Four
Video: Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Four

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Five

Fith part given by
Jean-Maurice Huard, 5th Dan, Primus Inter Pares

Being present and attentive to your body
Feel your movements
Without strength, the importance of the Hara
Karate is not a combat sport!
Karate is not Japanese Budo!
The 5 Pinan Kata

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Five
Video: Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Five

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Final

To conclude, a final Kihon and bow
Video: Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 Part-Final

Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018 – Photos

photo of the group Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018
photo of the group Wado-Ryu Karate training Leuven 2018