Wado-Ryu Karate training 2023-2024

Wado-Ryu Karate training

Every second Saturday of the month we hold a Wado-Ryu Karate training in the spirit taught to us by Kamigaito Sensei.

Wado Kamigaito Ryu Leuven
The group Wado Kamigaito Ryu Leuven

The location:


Hours: FROM 3:00 TO 5:00 PM

Participation is free

The dates:


14 OCTOBER 2023

04 NOVEMBER 2023

09 DECEMBER 2023

13 JANUARI 2024

10 FEBRUARI 2024

09 MARCH 2024

13 APRIL 2024

11 MAY 2024

08 JUNE 2024

Wado-Ryu Karate Training Practise 08-06-2024
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Practise 08-06-2024
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Practise 08-06-2024
Wado-Ryu Karate Training Practise 08-06-2024

Wado-Ryu Karate Wednesday training sessions

Hello everyone,

As you no doubt know, a special Wado-Ryu Karate training session is held every Wednesday in Leuven.

Special in the sense that there is no instructor, no students, no course program.

Only SENPAI (older students) and KOHAI (younger students) who come together to train individually for a large part of the time, and in pairs or groups to repeat certain Wado-Ryu kumite and kata together.

Deepening your mastery of karate inevitably involves individual training. It is face to face with yourself and alone face to face with yourself that you can repeat the Kihon, Katas and work at your own pace, do your research on this or that movement, experiment with certain movements…

Of course, the Karatekas present can also support you, lend a hand or give advice, but they will not be able to carry out your search for you.

Karate Wado-Ryu training Wednesday Leuven
Karate Wado-Ryu training Wednesday Leuven

Training takes place every Wednesday from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., or a little later on certain days.


Koninklijk Atheneum Redingenhof Leuven.

Redingenstraat 90

3000 Leuven

The room is on the first floor.

These training sessions are open to everyone, free of charge. You must have your license in good standing with a club and it is best to be at least a brown belt in the 3rd kyu.

Pieter, Ludwig , Ghafoor, Wim, Giovanni, Luc, Peter, Xavier are regulars at these training sessions…

See you soon?