Wado-Ryu Karate training on satursday
Every second Saturday of the month we hold a Wado-Ryu Karate training 2024-2025 in the spirit taught to us by Kamigaito Sensei.

Tao Sabaki Special program for 2024-2025:
Wednesday evening training resumes in early August. In September, training sessions on the second Saturday of the month resume. (!!!First Saturday in September!!!)
As mentioned a few weeks ago, the year 2024-2025 will be the last one in which I’ll be taking a major part in the Saturday courses.
I’d therefore like to devote the entirety of the 2024-2025 seminars to one subject: Tai Sabaki, point 6 of my note on the deepening of Wado-Ryu.
Meaning of Tai Sabaki by Jean-Maurice Huard
Here’s what Jean-Maurice has to say about it in the “Kamigaito current” group on Signal:
“ ” Tai-sabaki is just one element of a whole.
Sabaki (捌き) means management, processing.
For example: in “prepare fish”, “prepare” is translated as sabaku.
“Sabaku” refers to all means of managing a situation.
So it’s about managing a confrontation with the body (tai sabaki) hands (te sabaki) and feet (ashi sabaki).
手 SHU hand – upper limb
足 SOKU foot – lower limb
体 TAI karada
捌 sabaku manage “ ”
Meaning of Tai Sabaki by Kamigaito Sensei
Kamigaito Sensei talks about this all over the place in his books, but he particularly says this:
“the true meaning of WADO-RYU Katas always consists in learning the general movements of Karate, i.e. we must study here one of the TAISABAKI (literally: body handling) in relation to the movements of the limbs.
We don’t pull the right arm, but rather the body approaches the hand, which remains motionless. ( time 18 of Pin-An Nidan kata)
For these workshops, I’d like to have everyone’s input on how they see, understand, interpret and use Tai Sabaki. Each participant will be given half an hour during the workshops to talk about some aspects of his or her personal perception of Tai Sabaki.
Master Kamigaito has taught us many things in which Tai Sabaki are either clearly visible or more hidden, in Katas, Kumite and even Kihon.
How to learn Tai Sabaki? What are Tai Sabaki? What are the important elements of Tai Sabaki? How to practice Tai Sabaki in Kumite ? How do I practice Tai Sabaki in Jyu Kumite? Can Tai Sabaki be used in competition? Are Tai Sabaki the same in a Jyu Kumite as in a real street fight? Are Tai Sabaki an important element of Wado-Ryu Karate, and if so, why?
I hope everyone is ready to take up this challenge and share their knowledge, experience and vision of Tai Sabaki.
Of course, during the seminars, there will be time for Katas, Kihon and, of course, Kumite, trying to find the links with Tai Sabaki.
See you soon,
Xavier, 05-08-2024
The location:
Hours: FROM 3:00 TO 5:00 PM
Participation is free
The dates:
12 OCTOBER 2024
14 DECEMBER 2024
11 JANUARI 2025
8 MARCH 2024
12APRIL 2025
10 MAY 2025
14 JUNE 2025

Wado-Ryu Karate 2024-2025 training sessions on Wednesday
Hello everyone,
As you no doubt know, a special Wado-Ryu Karate training session is held every Wednesday in Leuven.
Special in the sense that there is no instructor, no students, no course program.
Only SENPAI (older students) and KOHAI (younger students) who come together to train individually for a large part of the time, and in pairs or groups to repeat certain Wado-Ryu kumite and kata together.
Deepening your mastery of karate inevitably involves individual training. It is face to face with yourself and alone face to face with yourself that you can repeat the Kihon, Katas and work at your own pace, do your research on this or that movement, experiment with certain movements…
Of course, the Karatekas present can also support you, lend a hand or give advice, but they will not be able to carry out your search for you.

Training takes place every Wednesday from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., or a little later on certain days.
Koninklijk Atheneum Redingenhof Leuven.
Redingenstraat 90
3000 Leuven
The room is on the first floor.
These training sessions are open to everyone, free of charge. You must have your license in good standing with a club and it is best to be at least a brown belt in the 3rd kyu.
Pieter, Ludwig , Ghafoor, Wim, Giovanni, Luc, Peter, Xavier are regulars at these training sessions…
See you soon?